Sep 06 2024 24 mins
Belinda Pollard, Donita Bundy and Alison Joy celebrate four years of the podcast with another classic episode, AM I CALLED TO WRITE? – a question that confronts and confuses many Christian writers. We discuss ways to discern calling and strategies to help us choose who we listen to as we decide the way forward.
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Episode summary:
- The value of partnering with God in our work, whatever it may be.
- Everyone’s story of how they got into writing is different.
- When the opinions of others about our writing might provide clarification, and the times when we should NOT listen to them.
- The value of community, and support from other writers.
- There will be times in your life that you don’t write, but it doesn’t mean you aren’t a writer – it’s a season.
- If you have a long-term yearning to write, it’s probably not a mistake.
- The story of Moses, who didn’t really find out that he’d fulfilled his calling until the end of the process.
- Writing vs other things we waste time on.
- The value of enjoying our writing.