Feb 04 2025 50 mins
There’s an old quote about how thinking about death is like staring at the sun — you can’t really do it for too long without becoming overwhelmed. The same can be said for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia: The idea of a parent, spouse, or other loved one no longer recognizing you is far too distressing for most people to consider.
But Marilyn Raichle — a longtime leader in the theater world — responded to her parents’ dementia diagnoses not by turning away but dedicating herself to caregiving and advocacy. Today, as the executive director of Maude’s Awards, she helps fund organizations that look at dementia differently, providing support to the people currently walking the same path she did with her parents.
Learn more about Maude's Awards: https://maudesawards.org/
Check out Marilyn’s book, “Don't Walk Away”: https://dontwalkaway.net/