Sep 15 2023 27 mins 2
David had a great job, loved hunting, sports, and was very involved with his family. His cousin, Rosalie, describes him as a “boy’s boy.” In April 2021, Rosalie received a call from one of his three brothers telling her the tragic news—David had passed away due to an accidental overdose. She copes with her grief by remembering her cousin through poetry. Below are two of her poems dedicated to her cousin, David.
Everlasting Age
In the time of aging, you no longer are. I’m where you remain, near to my heart yet physically so far. Age is just a number; time is ever lasting. With you I’m one in this year of life. Nothing pains me more than to grow apart; for current time has me as I partake in your final year. I’ll try to understand your thoughts, your actions and your experiences; in each shedded tear. As I journey through this year as your everlasting age, I’ll take all I can to make better days. I dread the time we no longer will be in sync. As I will be moving forward, onward the step you could not make. I can only hope that I find you one day, as I remember you always.
Everlasting Days
I’m no longer your everlasting age. Still looking back on the best days. Not that recent days have been bad, it’s just I can never be fully glad. I keep you with me, so you can live on. You come to my mind when I hear certain songs. I can only dream of the days we are old and gray, for you’ll remain your everlasting age. I move on and forward the steps you could not make. They say you are only truly gone when you are forgotten, so it’s safe to say you will live on with me all my everlasting days.
If you would like to tell your story about an overdose death, please contact Susan Claire at [email protected]
Music provided by La Atlántida