Jan 29 2025 41 mins 64
In 2022, a study published in Psychology Today found that 88% of people feel worse after procrastinating. Procrastination is undoubtedly one of the most common barriers to success—but what if you could break free from it starting today?
In this episode, I’m launching a brand-new series, Why We Do What We Do, where we’ll explore the psychological and emotional patterns that shape our actions. There’s no denying the fact that we get an immediate sense of relief when we procrastinate. But the downside is we sabotage ourselves and create additional stress in the process.
Today, I’m sharing five strategies to help you draw a line in the sand and make a conscious decision to stop doing the things that don’t move the needle in your life. You’ll walk away with practical tools to shift your mindset, take action, and finally break the habits that prevent you from clearing your to-do list and achieving your goals.
- Procrastination isn’t about laziness—it’s about emotional avoidance
- Short-term relief often creates long-term discomfort
- Accountability accelerates progress by creating external motivation
- Progress, not perfection, is the key to success
- Taking small steps creates momentum which compounds and reduces overwhelm
- The longer you put off and avoid something, the harder it gets
- Five (5) proven strategies to stop procrastinating
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