Jan 30 2023 43 mins 2
Most people ask this question in their lifetime, 'Why am I here?' 'What is my purpose?' 'What am I put on the earth to be and do? As so many have deconstructed out of religious institutions that gave us a life-purpose, many have thrown the baby out with the bathwater. I've been guilty of abandoning my Divine purpose on this earth while unwinding from the toxic indoctrination of a system that was infiltrated with commerce, control, and greed. But when we live without purpose bigger than ourselves, abandoning our greater purpose of why we're put on the earth, life loses its luster. Today we're going to embrace why we're here, owning our significance on the planet at this crossroads in history, reigniting hope, devotion, and the discipline of the body, mind, emotions, and spirit to REMEMBER who we are and unlock our light body, letting it shine for all to see, dispelling the darkness. www.christagifford.com (@christablackgifford @womanscircle)