Jul 12 2021 60 mins 13
Guest: Amy Bayer is a military wife and a mother of four young kids, as well as a barre instructor, nutritionist, and undercover copywriter. On this episode, she shares her journey of 4 very different births: from a 55 hour labor, to C-section, to VBAC with an epidural, to an unmedicated VBAC and everything she did to achieve that progress In this episode, we will cover:
- what Amy learned about pelvic floor tightness from intense exercise that contributed to her first births being so difficult
- what changes she made after her c-section to prepare for birth #3 that allowed her to experience a successful VBAC (vaginal birth after c-section)
- what her top recommendations are for all women that want to improve their next birth outcome (or make it a great one from the first birth!)
- www.CapWellnessCenter.com
- To get in touch with Amy on Instagram: @cleaneatingwithamybayer
About Amy Bayer:
Amy Bayer is a military wife and a mother of four young kids, as well as a barre instructor, nutritionist, and undercover copywriter. She has her Master’s in Integrated Marketing Communications and loves helping leaders communicate and helping people be healthy and thrive. She’s a health foodie, a beach-lover, and a do-it-yourselfer, and when her kids are grown, she’s going to be a world traveler again!