Aug 23 2024 66 mins 1
In the late winter of 1429, France is a land divided. The 'rightful' heir to the French throne, Prince Charles, is on the brink of despair, his claim weakened and his forces dwindling. As he contemplates the grim possibility of fleeing into exile, he has turned to prayer, seeking divine intervention.
Into this moment of crisis steps an unexpected figure: a young peasant girl from the remote village of Domrémy. This girl, a mere teenager, claims to be sent by God Himself, bearing a message of salvation. Unlike other divine messengers who have come before with tales of visions or prophecies, her proclamation is audacious. She asserts that she has been chosen to lead, to wield the power of divine justice, and to restore the kingdom to its rightful ruler.
So humble is her origin that she has no family name or titles—she is simply Joan. Yet, she vows, that if Charles grants her command of an army, she will drive the English from French soil and unite the fractured kingdom under his reign.
TW: Mentions of sexual assault