Jun 29 2023 93 mins 6
A women's bird dog training camp? Absolutely! Four days were spent training for field, water, tracking, retrieving, obedience, and brace work. This camp was designed for the female upland hunter to prepare for hunting season and testing venues. They learn about field first aid, bird planting, and gamebird processing. Each night we gather around the campfire to share stories and laughter.
Hear from the instructors from our latest camp in Sundance, WY; Ruth Weiss, Christy Langston, Aleah Marcoe, Kata Miller, and Linda Jugler.p>
This Podcast is Presented By:
onX Hunt "The #1 GPS Hunting App"
Boss Shot Shells "Superior-grade, American-made, Copper-plated Shot Shells"
Syren USA "Shotguns for Women. No More Compromises"
Toyota "The Leading Motor Vehicle Manufacturer Worldwide"