May 30 2023 62 mins 5
Join us for a 12-week strength training, conditioning, and general preparation program for you 𝘼𝙉𝘿 your dog to get ready for this hunting season!
Head Coach of Team Early AF, Bill Koepke, has incorporated exercise equipment and our upland gear for at-home workouts specific to our upland endeavors. Dr. Kristina Mott , Veterinarian and Certified Canine Rehabilitation Therapist Town and Country Veterinary Clinic has provided a schedule for conditioning, strength, flexibility and balance for our bird dogs.
New this year in the 2.0 version:
- dog training concepts
- shooting tips and tricks
- vehicle maintenance & off-road prep
- hunting rig setups
- pre-season scouting
- clean/prep/organize gear
Time to tackle those chukar hills this season without feeling intimidated or defeated! Each week a new regimen drops with a unique exercise catered towards your partnership with your dog and the use of your upland gear. The 12 week program is $199, with a portion of the proceeds donated to HerUpland. You’ll be added to a private community page where we will connect, motivate each other, get support directly from instructors and share pics and videos of your journey to become Upland Ready!
We are grateful for the opportunity to collab with The Bird Dog e-Academy platform, with help from our HerUpland Team, shooting instructHers, mentHers, dog trainHers, and our partners and sponsors to deliver this professional, accessible opportunity!
Register for Upland Ready 2.0
This Podcast is Presented By:
onX Hunt "The #1 GPS Hunting App"
Boss Shot Shells "Superior-grade, American-made, Copper-plated Shot Shells"
Syren USA "Shotguns for Women. No More Compromises"