I Know What You Did Last Summer

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Oct 29 2020

Happy Halloween, friends! This year we're headed to the coastal town of Southport for a look back at I Know What You Did Last Summer. Loosely based on Lois Duncan's novel of the same name, it was the second smash hit for Scream creator Kevin Williamson.

The impressive box office numbers were offset by less-than-favorable reviews, especially in comparison to Williamson's more sophisticated debut. And although IKWYDLS was just the first of many teen-centric horror films that tried to capitalize on Scream's success in the late 90s, this one might have more going for it than you remember.

Topics include: Duncan's reaction to her young adult thriller being transformed into a slasher film, a young cast that was right on the cusp of super-stardom, whether or not The Fisherman is a credible slasher icon, why this has more in common with a high-concept thriller than it does a Friday the 13th movie, the lackluster sequels, the upcoming TV series, and much more!

As mentioned on the show, the first episode of Chris and Kristen's web series The Strange Case of Lucy Chandler is out now! Watch it here: https://www.27thLetterProductions.com/lucychandler

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