Jan 14 2025 70 mins
In our first episode for 2025, we are starting a new series in which we showcase Caribbean tech entrepreneurs and startups that are doing incredible things in or for the region. Our first guest is Jarryon Paul, the Founder of Sunshine, a stablecoin exchange based in Trinidad and Tobago.
In this conversation, we learn more about Jarryon and his entrepreneurial journey to date, which started when he was 10! Further, we discuss Sunshine, the problem it is trying to solve, and why stablecoins may be more important (and even valuable) than fiat currency. Jarryon also shares his thoughts on some of the regional payment options that are under consideration and being piloted, along with where he hopes to see Sunshine in the not-too-distant future.
The episode, show notes and links to some of the things mentioned during the episode can be found on the ICT Pulse Podcast Page (www.ict-pulse.com/category/podcast/)
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Music credit: The Last Word (Oui Ma Chérie), by Andy Narrell