Feb 04 2025 54 mins
In response to the goal of doubling the ICT sector’s contribution to Trinidad and Tobago’s GDP, the Developers Hub, more commonly known as D’Hub, offers training, access to tools, as well as income and networking opportunities to local developers and citizens interested in ICT.
With Devindra Ramnarine, a Digital Transformation Adviser at the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Trinidad and Tobago, and one of the main architects of D’Hub, we discuss this innovative platform, including,
* the problem D’Hub is trying to solve;
* the specific government or societal challenges that are being addressed via D’Hub;
* how D’Hub can be made sustainable; and
* whether the model can be replicated in other Caribbean or developing countries.
The episode, show notes and links to some of the things mentioned during the episode can be found on the ICT Pulse Podcast Page (www.ict-pulse.com/category/podcast/)
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Music credit: The Last Word (Oui Ma Chérie), by Andy Narrell
Podcast editing support: Mayra Bonilla Lopez