Jul 01 2024 26 mins 1
In this episode, we talk with Steve Blank about why celebrating innovation heroes is symptomatic of a problem in large organizations. Steve is a serial entrepreneur, author, and educator and leading advocate for the methodology of customer development and the lean startup approach.
In a recent Substack piece, Blank writes about an innovation awards ceremony he attended at a government agency:
"I'm constantly puzzled why thoughtful and astute CEOs and agency directors never asked, why is it that innovations require heroics to occur in our organization? Why don't we have a repeatable process for innovation? What are the obstacles in the way of delivering needed innovation with speed and urgency in our organization? And why is it that after each one of these [innovation] awards we give out, we don't go back and fix the parts of the system that made creating something new so difficult?"
Blank talks about the role of senior leaders, and the concept of an innovation doctrine. And he touches on the significance of AI: "I think this is as important as anything we've seen in tech in probably the last 50 years," he says.