Nov 01 2023 23 mins
What’s one of the worst things in the world you could think of? Killing puppies – but in this case we’re not actually talking puppies.
In the latest episode of Candid Conversations, we get to hear from our Consulting Innovation Team about one of our own innovation stories, and how we applied our structured approach to de-risking an idea. You’ll hear from the horse’s mouth, snake through their journey, and even hear about zombies, between:
- Maria Kudrina, Senior Manager and Human Capital Innovation Lead,
- Greg Newman, Director in Human Capital Consulting, Analytics and Insights and,
- Pavlo Plastovets, Senior Manager in Consulting Innovation Accelerator and former Innovation lead at Deloitte Ukraine
They also discuss:
- What a rigorous, data-driven and customer-centric innovation process looks like
- How the insights gathered de-risked and provided certainty
- Getting the balance between an engaging and structured process
What new products or services would you like to interrogate through a rigorous innovation process? Reach out to our Human Capital team to learn more about our innovations in this space and how they can benefit your organisation!
If you haven’t already, follow Candid Conversations or subscribe wherever you listen to your podcasts.
Host: Maria Kudrina
Audio By: Adrian Chin Quan
For enquiries about the series please contact [email protected]
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