Dec 09 2024 53 mins
As a raving fan of her music, I am thrilled to have Toni Jones join the She Sells community! Her music has become a mantra for the women in this community. We played her music on repeat at the Sedona retreat. We’re listening to her songs while getting ready in the morning, working out, walking into work, and today we get to learn even more through her experiences.
Toni Jones served for six years as a Life coach and Mental Health advocate for women and youth. Now as an Affirmation Musician, she found creative ways to promote the message of conscious well being through her music. Toni started making music as a tool for her life coaching clients to practice healing on the go. After great response from her first album she decided to make music full time. She has since released five projects so far: Affirmation for the Grown Ass Woman, Affirmations and Chill, I See Me Mantras, and Get Cha Mind Right (the mental health mixtape) Toni’s music is healing music, she coined it as Affirmation music. Affirmations set to modern music, which is different from the traditional way of saying Affirmations and mantras that are usually set to relaxing new age music. By creating affirmations to modern music this allows the listeners to ride, be on the go and vibe, just dance to the music while still reciting healing words.
Show Notes:
[2:46] - Pain and heartbreak has always been a point of entry for Toni’s evolution.
[3:38] - Toni shares how she discovered narcissism and the inspiration for learning as much as she could to help other women through a wellness company.
[5:50] - Within 24 hours of praying for direction, she knew she needed to create affirmation music.
[6:58] - Toni never intended to become a musician.
[8:37] - Toni describes the first experience of creating the first song for clients.
[9:17] - Her first affirmation album was 9 songs created to help a woman grow.
[10:38] - She had a mission to create something relevant but not corny.
[12:58] - Because it was such a knowing, Toni was able to create her album with no fear. Before she knew in her head, she knew in her body.
[14:51] - Toni did not experience imposter syndrome in the beginning but admits that she experiences it from time to time as her music grows.
[18:20] - What is an evolved way of doing business?
[19:42] - Sometimes we feel that we have to sacrifice our wellbeing for the grind.
[21:34] - Tap into how you feel when creating.
[22:17] - The vibration of your business is important.
[23:42] - An evolved way of doing business is putting yourself first.
[26:21] - Toni highly recommends the book The Energy of Money by Maria Nemeth. This book changed her relationship with money.
[29:06] - Learning and unlearning was one step. Embodying this new mindset was another step.
[31:06] - Whether money is there or not, it is important to maintain the right mindset.
[33:02] - Toni’s spiritual connection with God is what keeps her feeling worthy.
[34:55] - You are worthy of healing without effort. Worthiness is a birthright.
[35:50] - Toni lists some ways she taps into her worthiness.
[38:19] - Once Toni saw how she developed her own coping mechanisms she began treating herself as a newborn who needed comfort and guidance.
[40:47] - There’s a shadow and light side to everything.
[43:28] - What is the focus of Toni’s affirmations lately?
[45:31] - Practice listening to your intuition through meditation.
[46:49] - There is so much noise going on in our lives, so you have to slow down and listen.
[47:58] - You only get better. Look at your past and how much you’ve progressed.
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