Aug 21 2024 48 mins 10
Food is intended to be our source of nourishment, but all too often it can feel like a losing battle.
Perhaps you’ve been struggling with your weight, and why it’s so hard to lose it – or keep it off. Or maybe you binge or emotionally eat, and are frustrated that you can’t stop these behaviors.
Whatever your unique challenge with food may be, after a while it’s hard to not come to a particular conclusion…
Food has a POWER over you.
It must – otherwise, you’d have been able to put an end to your unwanted habits a long time ago, right?!
But is it really possible for food to hold power over you?
In this episode, we explore what’s going on when we feel we’ve lost our power to food – and how to navigate the very real feeling of powerlessness that many of us experience when it comes to food.
Paulien, 58, has been maintaining her weight loss for the past decade, but she still doesn’t feel at peace with food. She wants to be free of food fear, and instead embrace being a natural eater.
But Paulien feels like food holds a certain power over her that she can’t overcome. She gets lost in food, and ends up binge eating a couple of nights a week – provoking her fear that she’ll gain weight back.
Marc David, founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, helps Paulien discover a vital new truth about owning our personal power with food, as well as:
✅ How to identify your inner eating archetypes or “voices,” and why every voice must have a seat at the table.
✅ Embracing the parts of ourselves we’re ashamed about, and how that strengthens a healthy relationship with food.
✅ How to transform nightly binges into conscious food rituals.
✅ Opening up our throat chakra and speaking from our authentic self as a way of healing our eating challenges.
✅ Why becoming the most natural YOU will lead to becoming a natural eater.
This deeply spiritual conversation will provide an important reframe on the belief that food holds power over us. You’ll come away inspired and feeling more compassion for yourself on this human journey. So be sure to tune in!
Learn more about us at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating:
Ready to call a ceasefire in your battle with eating, and find peace and freedom with food? Learn more about our newest program, The Emotional Eating Breakthrough!
Interested in becoming a certified coach in eating psychology? Then tune in to hear Marc talk about our Mind Body Eating Coach Certification Training, and download a copy of our School Catalog: Learn our powerful, cutting-edge approach, and discover how you can create a unique career helping others find peace and freedom with food.
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