The tag line of the Norseman Triathlon is “This Race is Not For You.” The Norseman is a full distance triathlon in Norway comprised of a freezing cold 2.4 mile swim, over 10,000 feet of climbing in 112 miles, and a marathon with a hill called “Zombie Hill.” Over 5000 people apply each year for only 250 slots. So what motivated Frankie Forzoni, as a newbie triathlete, to enter the lottery and claim her spot? Her story is incredible. She was hit by a car in 2020 and had serious injuries, began swimming in her rehab, and decided to jump into triathlon. The Norseman was her FIRST long course triathlon and not only that, she trained for this race in hot and flat Singapore. But once you hear Frankie talk in this podcast, you will realize why and how she succeeded in one the hardest triathlons in the world. This is a great race recap, from her build to equipment, to race day. Have a listen!