Jan 15 2025 23 mins
How do we drop the people pleasing tendencies & assumed identities we’ve taken on… so we contact our wild self?
This is big, profound work. Yet you don’t need 10 years of therapy or burning down your entire life/marriage/career to do it.
Christina Ryan-Stoltz @she_skool joins us on the podcast today for an exploration of her experience of Embodied Movement Practice & how it’s supported her to contact the self she always knew was there… but wasn’t sure how to access.
In this personal retelling Chrstina shares with us:
The primal, wild woman within that surfaced through embodied movement
Not taking up much space in marriage - to finding more equal partnership
Body image issues & how these held Christina back from inhabiting her body
Why shaking, releasing energy through movement & vocalizing can feel “weird” and how we can overcome of hesitations to do it
Resources mentioned in this podcast:
Christina Ryan-Stoltz - Website
Christina Ryan-Stoltz - Instagram
Primal Feminine Flow - at home embodiment practice
Feminine Embodiment Coaching Certification - professional training