Mar 05 2025 57 mins 5
April of 1997 finds accomplished, loving wife and mother Judy Smith accompanying her attorney husband Jeffrey Smith from their home in Boston to Philadelphia for a health care industry legal conference. April 10th was going to be sight seeing day for Judy while Jeffrey was attending the conference. She left the upscale hotel where the conference was being held in the morning and never returned that day or any other. Almost 6 months to the day that Judy left Philadelphia hunters found her body 600 miles away in. Pisgah National Park Forest in North Carolina, an area that Judy or anyone who knew her had no known connection. She was found wearing clothing that was not familiar to her family and her wedding ring, cash and and unfamiliar pair of designer sunglasses were found in a shallow grave where she had been placed under a tree. Judy was stabbed in the back several times until the blade reached her spine. Who could have down this to Judy and why? More questions than answers.
IF you know anything about what happened to Judy Smith, her disappearance from Philadelphia and her murder in North Carolina, please contact the Buncombe County Sheriff's Office at 828-250-6670