Nov 11 2024 47 mins 8
In this episode, Adam is joined by two med ed heavyweights, Dr. Shiphra Ginsburg and Dr. David Taylor, who discuss their views on CBME in Canada in front of a live audience of medical educators. In Part 1 of this lively discussion, our guests discuss whether using EPAs as the unit of measurement in CBME makes sense as well as the challenge of differentiating signal from noise in an assessment environment with so much data.
Length of Episode: 40 minutes
Resources to check out :
Szulewski, A., Braund, H., Dagnone, D. J., McEwen, L., Dalgarno, N., Schultz, K. W., & Hall, A. K. (2023). The assessment burden in competency-based medical education: how programs are adapting. Academic Medicine, 98(11), 1261-1267.
Schumacher DJ, Cate OT, Damodaran A, Richardson D, Hamstra SJ, Ross S, Hodgson J, Touchie C, Molgaard L, Gofton W, Carraccio C; ICBME Collaborators. Clarifying essential terminology in entrustment. Med Teach. 2021 Jul;43(7):737-744. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2021.1924365. Epub 2021 May 14. PMID: 33989100.
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