Apr 03 2024 53 mins
If you watched this year's Superbowl, chances are you (and 123 million people) saw my guest Tony Robinette in the Dunkin Donuts commerical starring Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez, and a slew of other cameos. That high profile spot capped off an incredible year of work for Tony, who has defied all odds to become one of the busiest actors in Hollywood (who you may not have heard of...yet). Despite two entertainment industry strikes, in 2023 Tony booked several TV shows including Ryan Murphy's Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story, NCIS, Tacoma FD, Waco: The Aftermath and Nightcourt. In those projects, Tony toggled between boisterous comic performances to heart breaking dramatic characters. How did he do it? Join our conversation to find out how Tony got his start, how he stays so busy, how he keeps a positive mindset and how he juggles not one but five (?) agents! Tony also takes us behind the scenes of that crazy DD commercial!
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