Feb 24 2023 75 mins 2
3:56 News/Announcements
5:02 Link to new channel
8:21 Link to Bloopers, Extras video
10:12 Discussion Question: Future Soaring Sky Generals?
18:54 Succinct Summaries
26:55 Splash Star 3
36:23 Happiness Charge 2
44:21 Soaring Sky 3
57:48 Calls to Adventure
1:10:55 Looking Ahead
Discussion Question
We speculate about upcoming generals in Soaring Sky- will they all be animals? Will they all summon robots?
Splash Star
In Splash Star we get to watch a game of softball, and Mai's drawing skills help teach them an important lesson about how to win a game of softball.
Happiness Charge
God hooks the girls up with magic phones, Megumi tries not to reveal her PreCure secret but it gets out almost immediately, AND we meet a new general.
Soaring Sky
Yoyo reveals her secrets (or some of them, at least. We've got our eyes on you, witch grandma), and Mashiro and Sora have to find magic crystals.... located conveniently in Yoyo's back yard. It was a cutsey almost date-like episode, and we learn that Sora has kung fu powers. The show did not specifically call attention to whether these skills were magical but.... the girl punched a boulder in half. Seems magic may be involved at some step