With 19 years of movie reviews, have not set up an archive (yet); B-Movie sees ~200 movies per year; 19 years ago, started Bratton Online at about the same time Bruce started duing movie reviews on "The Bushwhacker's Breakfast Club"; B-Movie studied film at UC Berkeley for 5 years, then UC Santa Cruz for 4 years, receiving a degree in film studies; was Bruce able to do film as his "day job"? No. But he did run the Silent Film Festival at the Castro Theater; why quit now? Burned out? In part, yes...also, the average quality of films has declined, theaters are closing left & right, and there have been great leaps in technology such that people are watching movies on smaller & smaller screens, plus the streaming services have entered the fray; a local author is writing a book about "B-Movie" (stay tuned), and "Bushwhacker's" produced a podcast of this interview (you're listening to it!); favorite movies of all time? "The Wizard of Oz" - 1939 - new, wild crazy; also, "Thief of Baghdad"; hope to return for infrequent check ins on movies, favorites, etc; lots of listeners texted in their appreciation for Bruce "B-Movie" Bratton!
(Bruce passed away at home, in his sleep, 5 days after this interview, on December 11, 2024. RIP, "B-Movie" - you are missed!)