Apr 17 2024 13 mins
As a solo attorney or small law firm, you can use AI to assist with tasks like reviewing, creating, proofreading, organizing, and analyzing contracts and other legal documents. It’s also used to conduct legal research and review documents for discovery, referred to as technology-assisted review also known as (TAR).
When AI is employed properly and strategically, the benefits are many for your law practice. It can help you save time producing high-quality work and in turn reduce your work-related stress. For one, attorneys are already using artificial intelligence to write blogs, a popular marketing technique. You can also go one step further to get ahead of the competition: You can optimize your blogs and other law firm website content for AI searches. By doing so, your content will be ready for GEO, which may be soon taking over SEO.
In this episode of the Law Firm Marketing Decoded podcast, we’ll be discussing what the latter means and how to accomplish optimization for AI-generated searches.