We're diving into unchartered terrirtory today. How do we make life work in the midst of political turbulence? No personal viewpoints here. Just some tangible advice on how we keep our peace when things around us are wild!
Do we take the approach of avoidance to protect our peace? Or do we immerse ourselves in it? Bottom line...It's up to you as an individual.
Education is key. We all have a responsibility to do the work. Understanding the policies of both candidates will lead to informed decisions and more healthy and productive conversations. How do you know if the info you're getting is unbias? We share out thoughts.
Our biggest take away:
The news is no longer your most trusted source of information. Feelings need not apply. Look to Gods word for widsom and answers!
Christi Weekly Favorite:
Nat's Weekly Favorite:
This week's encouragement from God's word:
"God's eternal plan of redemption is always going off without a hitch."
"No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live. For I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will not fail you or abandon you." Joshua 1:5