Feb 13 2025 49 mins 4
This week on Locker Room we’re starting a three-part series called Breaking Chains, looking at three things that can lock us down and stop the work Jesus wants to do in us. First up is perfectionism.
Join Scott and returning guest Gary Black as we talk about some of the downsides of perfectionism and offer practical suggestions to get a handle on it, so we can step onto the path of freedom—freedom from self-imposed guilt, needless anxiety, unnecessary pressure, and the many compulsions associated with perfectionism that can drain the joy from our lives.
Who was your favorite teacher growing up? What made them so great?
Has anyone made an impact on your life that you only met once? Who was it and what impact did it have?
What comes to mind when you hear the word “perfectionism”? Is that something you struggle with? Or are you on the other side and no one would ever call you a perfectionist?
The Dangers of Perfectionism: It destroys your initiative. It damages relationships. It destroys happiness. It leads to a rules-dominated life. It leads to constant over-analysis and fear-based decisions. Which of these dangers have you witnessed from your life or those around you?
Action Step 1: Admit you have a problem. Read Psalm 32:1-5. Is there a problem of perfectionism you need to admit today? Or anything else you need to confess?
Action Step 2: Stop demanding perfection from others. Read 1 John 1:8. No one is perfect, including you! Where do you find yourself demanding perfection from others? (Friends, coworkers, kids, wife, etc). How can you release them from those demands?
Action Step 3: Develop a realistic awareness of God’s love. Read Romans 8:38-39. Do you really believe God the Father has adopted you and loves you unconditionally? Even in the highs and lows? What does it look like to “relax and enjoy God’s love” as Gary says?
Action Step 4: Go out of your way to love others. Read Colossians 3:12-14. Who are you serving in life? Where are you serving? Where are you living out what Paul calls us to in this passage?
The best time to change is now. What will you change today to start becoming who you want to be tomorrow?
What else from the podcast spoke to you?
What did God/Holy Spirit speak/prompt/say to you? What’s God asking you to do? What does He want to give you? What does He want you to lay down?
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