Encounters with Jesus: Get Up (The Man at the Well), with Mike Allen and Neil Gregory

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Jan 16 2025 79 mins   2

Sometimes when we bring our pain and circumstances before God—if we don’t see results or quick fixes to our lives instantaneously—we just give up. Or we forget that we’ve journeyed off the path for years or even decades and we think we can microwave it and just instantly be better, healed or whole.

Jesus isn’t looking for you to give him the one thing that’s keeping you up at night—He wants you. He wants everything. He wants your heart. He wants all of you. He wants to build our faith. He wants to build our relationship with Him.

This week on the podcast, Scott sits down with our guests Mike Allen and Neil Gregory to unpack a conversation Jesus had with a man at a pool, when he asked, “Do you want to get well?”


Did you grow up going to the pool? What comes to mind when someone says “Let’s go to the pool?” Share any good pool stories you have.

Read John 5:1-15. What stands out to you about how Jesus interacts with this paralyzed man?

What came to mind when the guys were discussing the prosperity gospel and churches that lean too heavily on supernatural healings & miracles? Do you have any experience with this?

How would you feel if you or someone you loved was sick for 38 years? Have there been any moments in your life where you felt stuck, hopeless, or frustrated at God like this?

Jesus asks this man “Do you want to get well?” When have you tried to “get well” in the wrong ways? When have you given up on “getting well” too easily? Is there something you need to do to “get well” that you have been unwilling to do?

What circumstances has Jesus called you up out of to get you where you are today?

What is Jesus telling you to “Get Up” from in your life right now? What do you need to heal from that can only come from God’s power?

Do you follow Jesus and have the power of the Holy Spirit? If yes, how can you listen to the Holy Spirit and what he is convicting you of? If not, what is holding you back?

What else from the podcast spoke to you?

What did God/Holy Spirit speak/prompt/say to you? What’s God asking you to do? What does He want to give you? What does He want you to lay down?