Encounters with Jesus: Through the Roof

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Jan 09 2025 33 mins   4

Welcome back to Locker Room! We’re kicking off Season 14 with a series called Encounters with Jesus. We’ll be zeroing in on some cool moments Jesus had with different people in the gospels. We’ll learn about who Jesus is, the mission he’s on and gain practical insight on who we are as men, and how we are called to live our lives.

The first encounter we’re looking at is described in Mark chapter 2, when Jesus was moved by the faith of four men who acted by any means necessary to get their paralyzed friend in close proximity to him so he might be healed. Join us this week for Encounters with Jesus: Through the Roof.


What were some highs and lows of your Christmas season? What were the best parts? What were the worst parts?

For all the new Locker Room groups, how have you been involved with Southland? Have you gone through Fight Club? Are you part of a serving team? Do you attend Sunday mornings with your family?

Read Mark 2:1-12 with your group. Stop after each verse and discuss anything that catches your attention. What does this verse say about Jesus? What does this verse say about you? Is there anything that we can apply from this verse?

“Sometimes Jesus gives us what we need before he gives us what we want.” Presence before joy. Grace before freedom. Hard conversations before a healed relationship. Are there any ways in your life right now that Jesus is giving you what you need rather than what you want?

Jesus forgives sin. This is one of the most important messages of the Bible. Jesus has the ability to forgive sins because he is God and because he was the one who took the punishment of our sins when he went to the cross. What sins do I need to bring to Jesus and be forgiven of?

Imagine how the crowd reacted to this interaction between the paralyzed man and Jesus. How would you have reacted if you saw this interaction?

Make no mistake, the greatest miracle in this story is that this man received salvation. Have you received the salvation that Jesus offers? If so, tell your group the story of how you came to know Jesus.

How do you view the interruptions in your day? Do you find them frustrating? Are you listening for the Holy Spirit in your day to day in order to love people like Jesus loves?

Do you want Jesus to be moved by your faith? What about your faith do you need to be more intentional about? Is it the way you parent your kids? Is it the time you spend in the Word before anything else? Is it the way you intentionally spend time with your wife?

What else from the podcast spoke to you?

What did God/Holy Spirit speak/prompt/say to you? What’s God asking you to do? What does He want to give you? What does He want you to lay down?


  • Groups kick off January 17th. Join a Group at southland.church/groups

  • Start a Locker Room Group.

  • Sign up for Fight Club at the Danville Campus - starting Monday January 20, 7-9pm.

  • Sign up for the Marriage Workshop, March 7-8 at the Lexington Campus.

  • For any other questions or comments email [email protected]