Feb 05 2025 17 mins 1
Episode 315
There will always be a reason to drink after quitting alcohol, but don't forget why you decided to stop in the first place.
If you’re a midlife woman working on living an alcohol-free lifestyle - I’m so proud of you!
Even when you dedicate yourself to sobriety, you may find yourself questioning whether or not, it’s worth it to keep going.
I questioned my sobriety and tried to talk myself out of it multiple times during my first year, but my “why” (aka why-power) kept me going.
During this episode, I share with you a journal reflection that I wrote on 6/30/14 at 11 months sober where I was questioning my choice.
I talk about where I was the night I quit drinking, 8/11/13, and how I believed that I didn’t have the willpower or discipline actually to stay alcohol-free.
I also discuss how to remind yourself why you don’t want to drink more than why you do throughout the day.
This episode serves as a reminder that your "why-power" - your deep, personal reasons for choosing sobriety - will always be more meaningful than the temporary escape alcohol provides.
Keep moving forward on your alcohol-free journey because the life you're creating is waiting for you.
I’m with you.
Let me help you make living alcohol-free in midlife a better experience!
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