We are so excited for you to join our conversation on anxiety with the one and only Sissy Goff! She is an expert child and adolescent counselor at Daystar Ministries here in Nashville, as well as an author and equipper. She has helped our family so much amidst our flood trauma during COVID. Here’s the thing - everything she says doesn’t just work for kids, but also applies to adults! So whether you’re an adult, parent, or teen, this episode on how to stop the hamster wheel of fear and anxiety is for you. We can find Jesus’ peace in the midst of trauma, and we hope this episode gives you the tools to find it! You can find her here @sissygoff @raisingboysandgirls and listen to her podcast here https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/raising-boys-girls/id1366344369
Sending love,
Chris, Jodi, Milo & Ziggy
PS - if you’ve been looking for a way to participate in being light in the world during this COVID season, check out www.lovehealinghugs.com and sponsor a life-changing surgery for a child who desperately needs one! For one dollar a day for a year, you can send a Healing Hug to a little one whose family can’t afford to pay for the surgery. As God continues to provide for you, why not help provide for someone less fortunate than yourself. Love you all, thanks for being so generous!!
PPS - If you are subscribed to our PATREON you will receive access to all our episodes a week early! Never heard of it? It's the ultimate L&TO insiders’ subscription, a chance to get unreleased songs, conversations, and devotionals delivered to you personally every month! We will even do a Worship Wednesday exclusive just for Patreon members and pray for you all individually. We are excited about going deeper with you, and we hope you’ll join us! Check out www.patreon.com/loveandtheoutcome