Amber and Rax chat about another 90s classic, Rugrats! This weird looking show about babies getting into shenanigans was the first cartoon with truly multigenerational appeal. It first aired in 1991 and we're here to say, it still slaps. Shoutout to listener Rachel Feingersh for the topic suggestion!
The Oral History Of ‘Nicktoons’, Part III: Exploring The Multigenerational Appeal Of ‘Rugrats’ (Caseen Gaines and Mathew Klickstein, Decider, 2016)
Talk About a Baby Boom (Paul Brownfield, LA Times, 1998)
When Grownups Let Children Have a Say (Laurie Midflin, NYT, 1997)
‘Rugrats’ Creative Force (Rugrats Writers, LA Times, 1996)
You Dumb Babies! (Mimi Swartz, The New Yorker, 1998)