329. Can I Get A Refund?

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Nov 21 2024 73 mins   20

Lured Up Podcast 329

Record Date - 11/20/24

Publish Date - 11/22/24

Wild Area Global is almost here and we have plenty to unpack and dig into. Hopefully everyone in your community has done plenty of Drilbur in preparation of GMAX Toxtricity, and is managing their Max Particles correctly to balance powering one or two of them up. We will get you prepped and ready to go for Wild Area Global, and will touch on some of the issues that Trainers are facing this week.

Into the wild put Toxel behind 10km eggs but the Community seems pretty chill about it, knowing that Toxtricity is just on the horizon. An issue with the event’s Raid ticket however, has Trainers calling Niantic out for some misleading advertising. With a quiet update to the blog, Niantic has flipped on how bonus Raid passes were to be included with the ticket, causing some unrest in the Community. With their credibility being under a microscope, future events that include bonus Raid passes may require some additional explaining on what exactly is included.

We had a few quality of life updates this week starting with increased Pokémon and item storage, which is always welcomed before a major event. Pair that with a Black Friday PokéCoin sale, and Trainers have some pretty good incentive to spend up before the weekend.The big news of the week however was the addition of Raid Attendance being visible from the Friends List, with the ability to jump directly into a Remote Raid without an invite. (NOTE - Since the time of this recording we have learned that this is a temporary test that is scheduled to end after the Wild Area Global event).

WIth the Max Out Season coming to a close, it is fair to say that this has been one of the most action packed Seasons to date. With new visuals, mechanics, and ways to play the game, it has been moving at a fast pace since its first day. The Max Out finale will keep the pressure on, bringing new Pokémon, but also additional tickets to purchase, which also puts the pressure on Trainer’s wallets.

Simply Groundbreaking: https://bit.ly/LU327Groundbreaking

Into The Wild: https://bit.ly/LU328IntoTheWild

Niantic Boo Boo: https://bit.ly/LU329BooBoo

Wild Area Global: https://bit.ly/LU329Global

Increased Storage: https://bit.ly/LU329Storage

Black Friday Sale: https://bit.ly/LU329BlackFriday

Raid Attendance QoL: https://bit.ly/LU329RaidAttendance

Trainers Love It: https://bit.ly/LU329FleeceKing

Trainers Hate It: https://bit.ly/LU329MrAvalanche

Max Out Finale: https://bit.ly/LU329Finale

[email protected]

Voicemail and SMS: 732-835-8639

Use code FULLHEAL at https://tgacards.com/ for 10% off your order!

Support the show by bookmarking and shopping at TCGPlayer.com using this link - https://bit.ly/TCGPlayerAffiliate

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Ken Pescatore

Adam Tuttle

Writer and Producer

Ken Pescatore

Executive Producer


Show music provided by GameChops and licensed through Creative Commons








Intro Music

Lake Verity (Drum & Bass Remix)


GameChops - Ultraball




Break Music

National Park

Mikel & GameChops

GameChops - Poké & Chill



Outro Music

Vast Poni Canyon

CG5 & GlitchxCity (Future Bass Remix)

GameChops - Ultraball




Pokémon And All Respective Names are Trademark and © of Nintendo 1996-2024
Pokémon GO is Trademark and © of Niantic, Inc.
Lured Up and the Pokémon Professor Network are not affiliated with Niantic Inc., The Pokémon Company, Game Freak or Nintendo.

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