Jul 08 2024 38 mins 33
Guy and Eitan discuss some important and interesting news from Microsoft about SQL Server, Straight Path Solutions publish 30 articles about SQL Server security checks, Guy talks about his experience with Excel, and Eitan is irritated about people still not doing SQL jobs correctly in AlwaysOn Availability Groups.
Relevant links:
- SQLBits Free Videos - YouTube
- JSON data type (preview) - SQL Server | Microsoft Learn
- Efficient Time-Based Audit Log Filtering for Azure SQL Database - Microsoft Community Hub
- UNISTR and ANSI SQL concatenation operator (||) (microsoft.com)
- SQL Server on Azure VMs: I/O analysis (preview) - Microsoft Community Hub
- Announcing the retirement of SQL Server Stretch Database - Microsoft SQL Server Blog
- 30 SQL Server Security Checks in 30 Days Archives - Straight Path Solutions
- Use Sparse Columns - SQL Server | Microsoft Learn
- SQL Server Jobs & AlwaysOn Interoperability | HADRMyJobs