Oct 28 2024 24 mins 2
The new series on Manager Mindsets starts with a discussion of comparison.
Comparison is unavoidable, especially in the age of social media. It can feed difficult and unpleasant emotions like doubt, jealousy and imposter syndrome. Indeed, someone once said “Comparison is the thief of joy”. And if we aren’t careful comparison can even tempt us into mindlessly copying others, which takes us away from our own unique path.
But in many aspects comparison can be helpful. It can be wonderfully motivating. It can show us what can be improved and help us understand what we value. It can even expand our concept of what is possible.
The challenge for managers is how to have a healthy relationship with comparison and what can we do to combat it’s less helpful manifestations…
02:30 Tim describes how he struggles with comparison, especially the contrast between his own struggles versus the dazzling successes that his peers post online.
3:45 Pilar and Tim share strategies for how they manage comparison and envy.
6:15 It’s important to view other’s achievements in context. We often underestimate the other person’s effort or how their circumstances are different to ours.
8:00 Comparison is somewhat unavoidable and can also be very healthy.
13:15 We should avoid using comparison as in order to mindlessly copy what others are doing? Can we avoid putting ourselves above or below what we’re comparing against? Can we use comparison as a helpful tool for curiosity and learning?
13:50 It can take quite a lot of mental effort to let go of comparison and feel comfortable that your journey is the best pathway for you.
15:00 In the era of social media and LinkedIn, it’s very hard to avoid comparison because it gets pushed at you.
16:40 Comparison can fuel competitiveness.
17:30 If we can detach our judgement from comparison then it can teach us things that we want but don’t have. And it can help us work out if we want to change.
10:00 Pilar shares an excellent story from her theatre days of how comparison without awareness can threaten our individuality.
19:00 As managers, we can really help our team when we see them struggling with comparison. Helping somebody explore why they’re comparing and finding out what’s helpful or unhelpful to them about those comparisons can be huge.
20:45 Tim shares how comparison had positive impacts on his development. There have been individuals, managers and companies that he admired and wanted to emulate. Comparison was helpful in showing a desired end state and also what needed to change in order to get there.
21:45 There can also be a danger of complacency or arrogance when we compare ourselves against others who we think are below our level.
23:45 Our hosts end the episode excited about their next topic for discussion… pessimism!
What about you, dear listener? Do you find comparison mostly helpful or harmful in your management practice? We’d love to hear from you!
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