Jun 13 2024 11 mins
What would your life look like if you were ready all the time? How would being ready help you personally and professionally? How about as a parent, are you ready to parent every single day? Maybe some days, more than others, right?
In this episode, Jeff Jerina will share practical tips along with some key insight that will help you be more prepared on a daily basis. You'll hear about a real life experience, which has helped to frame this podcast episode.
Watch the video of Jeff performing on a recent cruise ship here: https://youtu.be/PY769jHd6OA?feature=shared
FREE 5-Day Devotional: https:MenUnplugged.net and click the button that says FREE Devotional!
Remove distractions book: https://JeffJerina.com/Books/Cut-Through-the-Noise
Faith Without Fear - Evangelism Training Book: https://JeffJerina.com/Books/FaithWithoutFear
Evangelism training course: https://JeffJerina.com/Courses/SharetheGospel
Share Your Story course: https://JeffJerina.com/Courses/SharingYourTestimony
Get a FREE audiobook copy of Faith Without Fear at: https://MenUnplugged.net/Book
Men Unplugged podcast: https://MenUnplugged.net/Podcast
Jeff Jerina website: https://JeffJerina.com
Online courses: https://JeffJerina.com/Courses
Christian books: https://JeffJerina.com/Books
Hire Motivational Christian Speaker: https://JeffJerina.com/Speaking
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Christmas Lights for Profit course: https://ChristmasLightsDesign.com/Training
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