Apr 16 2024 7 mins
In life, work sometimes feels like a dirty word. It's the thing many dread, especially when Monday rolls around. But it's not just the effort; it's the meaning we attach to it. Work, though, is a gift, shaping us more than what it brings us materially.
Yet, in a world filled with luxury and ease, boredom has become rampant. Unlike our predecessors who knew hardship intimately, we struggle with the concept of being idle. Our lives, even in financial strain, are opulent compared to theirs.
Luxury and leisure, once seen as goals, now breed boredom. But true satisfaction lies in maximizing ourselves for a purpose greater than us. It's a never-ending journey, one where boredom has no place.
So, while we can't work all the time, leisure and luxury aren't the answer. They don't balance out a strong work ethic. In the end, it's about finding something beyond material comfort.