Dynamics 365 Essentials for IT | Intro

Jan 24 2020 12 mins   7
An explanation of the Dynamics 365 components, underlying architecture, and the possible integrations with your existing data, apps, and business processes. Whether you're looking to adopt business applications or have existing CRM and/or ERP systems in house, or maybe you're using cloud-based services or both, this is an overview of Microsoft's business application platform in the cloud. You'll get answers to top-of-mind questions regarding data governance, security, compliance, and on how data and process integration works. Learn more about the 99.9% level of availability at https://aka.ms/D365SLA To learn more about Dynamics 365 security and compliance, you can download the guide at https://aka.ms/D365SecurityCompliance To maximize your onboarding success and minimize time to value. You can find out more at http://aka.ms/FastTrackDynamics365