Feb 19 2025 6 mins
How much time do you spend on social media, and does it add value to you?
What do you post on your socials? Does it add value to your audience?
In this episode, Dr. Terri Levine shares some nuggets of wisdom that are essential for helping us utilize social media to our advantage and how to stop wasting time on our social media platforms. She shares how she creates content that goes viral and brings in leads for her business.
Listen to learn more.
Key Highlights From The Episode:
[00:41] Episode introduction: How Dr. Terri Levine brings qualified leads every day.
[01:06] How Dr. Terri Levine uses the News Feed Eradicator.
[02:09] How to create social media content.
[03:25] The essence of monitoring your metrics and how to go about it.
[04:16] Connect with Dr. Terri Levine on Facebook.
Golden Nuggets:
• The average person spends 36 minutes a day scrolling through social media. [01:23]
• In the last 2 days, we brought in $16,000, based on having good, shareable content on social media. [00:51]
• "Most people that I'm working with, as clients or family members, are just spitting out content. I call it throwing up content." – Dr. Terri Levine [04:06]
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