Feb 13 2025 19 mins
Movie Meltdown - Episode 639 (For our Patreon "Horror Club")
The horror club gets together to discuss ghosts, monsters and the immigrant horror stories contained in Santiago Menghini’s No One Gets Out Alive.
And while we try to figure out which attempted murders are real and which are fake, we also delve into… slacker pioneers, weird residual ghost pains, Aztec weaponry, Bed Bath & Beyond coupons, dream logic, the new Property Brothers, Willem Dafoe, I gotta good work ethic, he’s having death, how much of the budget was candles, experimental camera moves, goddess in the box, they only did the murders to get out of school, spooky fingers, you should be out the door by now, things that could be happening in the basement, that’s a nice coat, snow sucks, a ghost story, sacrificing the little people to the corporations, the ancestors that gave up, it weaves this way into her memories, interchangeable horror titles, someone give this poor girl a break for once, the monster can’t fix your mental health problems, her second mouth, dealing with family trauma and Nosferatu's facial hair.
Spoiler Alert: Full spoilers for “No One Gets Out Alive”, so watch it before you listen. Oh yeah, also spoilers for the entire "Scream" franchise.
“It just seems like monsters are eating ghosts… and that's not fun for anyone.”