Mar 05 2025 153 mins
Movie Meltdown - Episode 640
This episode, Sam Drog returns as we try to wrap our heads around just how ahead of its time David Cronenberg's Videodrome truly was back in 1983.
And as we plug into the network of idiots, we also bring up… the evolutionary chart of man, Mick Garris, American Ultra, Scanners, YouTube rabbit holes, The Franchise, Debbie Harry, a movie every night on the UHF channels, the rubber reality and all the latex, Robert Pattinson, a cyber doppelganger of ourselves, The Lawnmower Man, Canadian tax shelter horror movies, Stan Winston, Crash, moving meat on a skeleton, Marshall McLuhan, an electrified clay wall, just give in to the technology, Rob Bottin, incubating your gun, I’m just a monkey, Spider, taking a normal person to a weird movie, talking to the TV, manifold expanded, propaganda films, you got Jim Henson on one end and Rick Baker on the other, mechanical extensions of humanity, Personal Shopper, I gave you guys the best movie I knew how to make and you didn’t show up, shelter-in-place, the world is so big and overwhelming when I'm outside, Stephen Lack, being attached to our phones, we were so obsessed with super realistic puppets, you know a guy that works at the slaughterhouse that's all you need, when you take out the filter of humanity, the Ashton Kutcher of directors, we're kind of like cyborgs, getting your fix of television and the flesh gun.
Spoiler Alert: Full spoilers for "Videodrome"… I mean, as much as you can spoil "Videodrome".
“The technology came and I think our brains are still trying to catch up with all this connectivity.”