Mar 06 2025 16 mins
Life isn’t about getting everything right—it’s about showing up, growing, and giving yourself grace along the way. In this episode, we’re kicking off our new theme, Resilience in Action, by talking about Grace in Imperfection. We all wrestle with the pressure to be perfect, thinking it will make us more worthy or successful. But the truth? Perfection is a myth, and grace is what gives us the strength to keep going. We’ll unpack how shifting our focus from perfection to progress helps us move forward, why grace is the fuel for resilience, and how embracing our imperfections actually makes us more relatable and impactful. Because God isn’t asking us to be perfect—He’s asking us to trust that His grace is enough.
Big Takeaways
00:00 - Introduction and Overview
03:49 - Perfection is a Myth—Progress is the Goal
07:05 - Grace is the Fuel for Resilience
8:35 - Imperfection is What Makes You Relatable & Impactful
11:43 - Outro
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