Dec 05 2019 66 mins 4
In accordance with MSM tradition (that is very on purpose and an intentional part of our brand, and NOT the whim of a chaotic universe), we present to you this year's Halloween-in-December pre-holiday spookfest: 2004's Spookley the Square Pumpkin!
You may have heard of this lumpen mistake of nature recently from some other, much more popular podcast, who may have given away the whole synopsis to an audience who could populate a reasonably sized town, and may be smarter, funnier and collectively more handsome than at least one of our hosts.* It's okay, though, you wouldn't be listening to this show if you were interested in quality over quantity. It's only worth mentioning because we read out some reviews on this episode, and it should be noted this was recorded before that other show aired. You'll understand why it matters when you get there.
Get cosy, get nogged, turn down the lights, and feast your ears on the terrifying ballad of Scrumbles the Squmpkin. P.S: We are so sorry for all the terrible things we said.
Featuring: padcasts, the J/O-lympics, what the fuck is a veggie tale, laughing at a real dead guy, pumpkin full of organs, save the day with your huge square ass
Movie: Spookley the Square Pumpkin (2004)
Director: Bernie Denk
Rating: Sigmund Freud Was Right
intro and outro music: “Everyone in Town Wants You Dead” by Singing Sadie