Jul 25 2024 17 mins 15
Join Christopher and the Next Level coaching team to discover the latest tips, tricks and techniques you can use to advance in your own musical life.
In this episode:
- Camilo explains the benefits of having a musical accountability partner
- Andy gives tips on becoming more aware of what helps you to keep winning in music
- Andrew shares insights on musical goals, dreams, identity, and the relationship between each of those.
All that and more, in this week's episode of Coaches Corner!
TIP: Look out for just one little idea or insight from everything that's shared which resonates with you - and then go put it to use!
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Full Show Notes and Transcript: http://musicalitynow.com/316
Links and Resources:
• "Discover Your Musical Core" Workshop
• Sneaky pre-order link for the Musicality Book!
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