Ep 49: The Imperfect Healing Journey

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Dec 10 2023 50 mins  

I used to think that my healing journey needed to look a certain way and have a definite outcome. That eventually--no matter how long it took--I needed to rise out of the ashes like a phoenix then tell the world about it.

Sitting with the realness of my unpredictable, and sometimes messy healing journey has taught me that there is no model for what healing should look like. You are an original. Your journey will be a unique one. And by releasing the expectations around who you ought to become and by when that needs to happen, perhaps that creates room for some unexpected, imperfect beauty to unfold.

In this episode, I share about:

  • The ways in which our society creates “models” for who or what we should be

  • How those models impact our healing journey

  • The liberation that becomes possible through being present with your own journey

  • Accessing the unique wisdom that wants to emerge through you


More About Me:

I’m a Resilience Coach, Embodiment Healing Guide, Angel Mama, and Birth Doula. I support women and femmes who’ve gone through different forms of loss in their emotional healing, pregnancy, and giving birth to a more powerful, compassionate, authentic version of themself. Healing is the greatest gift one could give to themself or their family. And it’s an honor and privilege for me to be a form of support on that journey.

Ways That I Can Support You on Your Birthing / Rebirth Journey:


If you'd like to donate to support families experiencing financial hardship as they seek to access healing sevices, please do so here.

With Love,