230: Mastering Floor Transfers and Exercises in Neuro Without the Fear With Dr. JJ Mowder-Tinney, PT, PhD, NCS

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Sep 08 2024 41 mins   4

In this episode, hosts Erin Gallardo and Claire McLean are joined by guest Dr. JJ Mowder-Tinney, PT, PhD, NCS, a highly experienced physical therapist specializing in neurological conditions. Are you afraid to get your patients on the floor? Are you nervous it will be too painful for them (or you)? Join us for this engaging discussion on the importance of getting patients down on the floor and practicing floor transfers, as well as strategies to overcome the common fear and hesitation clinicians may have around this.

Some of the key takeaways include:

- The significance of building patients' self-efficacy and confidence in getting up from the floor, as fear of falling is closely linked to increased fall risk.

- The value of strong movement analysis skills that allow therapists to tailor floor activities to each patient's unique presentation and abilities.

- Practical tips for breaking down the task into smaller, more manageable parts and adjusting the environment (e.g. using padded mats) to facilitate success.

- The collaborative approach of problem-solving with patients to find the best methods for them, rather than prescribing a one-size-fits-all technique.

- The importance of regularly assessing floor skills and incorporating floor exercises into treatment, even for higher-functioning patients.

- Encouragement for clinicians to reflect on their own comfort level with floor transfers, seek support from colleagues, and continuously expand their skills in this area.

We are also excited to announce a free webinar on September 24th titled "Gettin’ Down and Dirty: Mastering Floor Transfers and Exercises in Neuro Without the Fear," which will give you the opportunity to brainstorm live with hundreds of neuro colleagues from around the world, see some helpful videos, and give you specific takeaways you can use the next day.

Here is the floor mat Claire uses at her clinic (not an affiliate link)


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