Dec 16 2023 26 mins 1
Israeli Digital Nomad Sharon 👨💻🇮🇱 Part 2
In this episode, you will learn mainly three things below!
1. How to keep the Digital Nomad Community Active.
2. Ideal Personalities for a Community Manager.
3. Preferred Destinations for Digital Nomads in the Balkans.
👉 Sharon coaches remote workers to overcome various challenges ✈️
👉 Content writer, digital writer, copywriter & social media manager with 4+ years of experience ✍️
👉 He writes CVs and LinkedIn profiles from scratch
👉 Digital slowmad for two years 👩💻
👉 Lived slowly in 6 countries (Bulgaria, Albania, Spain, Turkey, Bosnia, and Poland) 🐌
👉 Former Manager of Digital Nomads Israel community (45K members) 🌎