Dec 14 2024 30 mins 1
Spanish Digital Nomad Sole and Ramon 🇪🇸
In this episode, you will mainly learn about three things:
- Importance of community in coliving for digital nomads
- Features and vision of Map Melon platform
- Balancing work, hobbies, and relationships as a nomadic couple
Sole is a digital marketer from Spain, she has been a nomad since 2022. She is one of the founders of Mapmelon, a platform to book colivings and see where your nomad friends are, she also works in Colivers Club, a podcast and community for people staying in colivings. Her vision is to spread the coliving lifestyle for remote workers, and how you can be a nomad and have a community.
You can also check Mapmelon website and Colivers club
Ramon is a digital nomad from Spain. He is the co-founder or mapmelon, a platform to book colivings and keep in touch with your nomad friends. He also cofounded Colivers club, a podcast and community for people staying in colivings. You can check mapmelon here