The Day Peter Became A Preacher

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Sep 01 2024 34 mins  

Imagine the scene: the streets of Jerusalem are filled with people from every nation, all gathered for a festival celebrating the harvest God provided them. Suddenly, the sound of a mighty wind rushes through the city, capturing everyone’s attention. Flames of fire appear above the apostles' heads as the Spirit of the Living God fills each one of them, and they begin speaking about God in languages they’ve never known before. Confusion and amazement sweep through the crowd. What is happening? What does this mean?

In that moment, one man steps forward to address the crowd—Peter, the apostle who, just weeks earlier, had denied even knowing Jesus. But now, filled with the Holy Spirit, he boldly stands to answer the burning questions on everyone’s mind. What happened next was a harvest none of them, not even Peter himself, could have expected.


Questions for Reflection & Discussion

In what ways have you struggled with or been encouraged by Jesus’ identity as the Lord and Christ?

When was the last time you felt "cut to the heart" by the Spirit of God? How did you respond?

How does repentance as “changing your mind” speak to you today? Are there specific areas in your life where you need to change your mind and/or your attitude about Jesus?