Apr 10 2024 52 mins 8
Xenharmonic black metal project Melopœia consists of Brian Leong, Jon Lervold, and Dave Tremblay. Their albums are inspired by J.R.R. Tolkein, and features his direct text both sung, and by mapping the letters of the text to different notes of 26-tone equal temperament. Their latest album utilizing this is “Valaquenta,” be sure to catch the latest track “Varda” which we discuss and play in the episode! Their earlier album, “Ainulindalë,” used the same method of starting the album and then uploading tracks one at a time as completed.
Intro: Melopœia - Varda [Valaquenta] 26-TET
Melopœia - Varda [Valaquenta] 26-TET
Melopœia - But an Instrument [Ainulindalë] 26-TET
Melopœia - But an Instrument [Ainulindalë] 26-TET
Melopœia - Varda [Valaquenta] 26-TET
Melopœia - Varda [Valaquenta] 26-TET
Melopœia - Varda [Valaquenta] 26-TET
Melopœia - Ilúvatar’s Chord [Ainulindalë] 26-TET
Outro: Melopœia - Varda [Valaquenta] 26-TET
Melopœia’s Bandcamp:
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