081 - Dave Fiuczynski

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Oct 17 2024 127 mins   6

Check out our episode with iconoclastic guitar legend Dave Fiuczynski. He wields a double neck fretless guitar, and plays a bunch of cool microtonal riffage for us! We talked about two tracks from “Flam! Bam! Pan-Asian Microjam!” and two from “Mikrojazz.” In “Flam,” there are a variety of compositional methods used, and the vocabulary is almost entirely derived from motivic bird calls. The uirapuru call in particular has an extremely distinctive contour. Many of these works express a desire for exploring continuums and representing sophisticated Eastern articulations. We also discuss microtonal diminished scales, the joy of smashing genres together, blue notes and sliding, pitch inflection as a player signature, quarter tones as a teaching concept, and much more! The music from Flam! could be described as being from a 72edo framework.

Dave Fiuczynski - Oiseaux JDillique (from “Flam!”)

Dave Fiuczynski - Dance of the Uirapuru A (from “Flam!”)

Dave Fiuczynski - Loon-Y Tunes (from “Flam!”) various motivic examples

Dave Fiuczynski - Dance of the Uirapuru A (from “Flam!”)

Dave Fiuczynski - Dance of the Uirapuru B (from “Flam!”) with uirapuru scale

Dave Fiuczynski - Dance of the Uirapuru C (from “Flam!”) with gamelan scale and neutral thirds

Dave Fiuczynski - Dance of the Uirapuru B (from “Flam!”)

Dave Fiuczynski - Flam (from “Flam!”) pointing out northern nightingale motives

Dave Fiuczynski - Loon-Y Tunes (from “Flam!”) solo section

Dave Fiuczynski - Flam (from “Flam!”) uirapuru bass line

Dave Fiuczynski - Loon-Y Tunes (from “Flam!”) slidey call

Dave Fiuczynski - Oiseaux JDillique (from “Flam!”)

Dave Fiuczynski - Flam (from “Flam!”)

Dave Fiuczynski - Flam (from “Flam!”)

Dave Fiuczynski - Flam, then Oisaeux (from “Flam!”) pointing out northern nightingale motive at half speed

Dave Fiuczynski - Oiseaux JDillique (from “Flam!”) bird fight using hijaz flat 7

Olivier Messiaen - Oiseaux Exotiques (part that echoes Dave’s work)

Dave Fiuczynski - Oiseaux JDillique (from “Flam!”) ethereal ring E-half flat major chord

Dave Fiuczynski - Loon-Ly Solitaire (from “Flam!”)

Dave Fiuczynski - MiCroY Tyner (from “Mikrojazz”) using “Fuze-ayni” mode instead of Husayni

Dave Fiuczynski - MiCroY Tyner (from “Mikrojazz”) piano in microtonal “B” key over F minor

Miles Davis - So What (in B half-flat in 31-TET)

Phillip Gerschlauer - Hangover (from “Mikrojazz”)

Phillip Gerschlauer - November (from “Mikrojazz”)

Mononeon - jungle juice & laffy taffy (microtonal)

Outro: Phillip Gerschlauer - Umarmung (from “Mikrojazz”)

Check out some of Dave’s amazing body of work:





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